Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Snapshots...

Busy day today...

First, we decided to give Kaylee her first taste of baby cereal.

She LOVED IT!!! I had to make her a second bowl because she wouldn't stop freaking out. She just wanted more.

also, her 4 month doctor's appointment is tomorrow. My guess is that she is still chubby and tall-ish with an averaged-sized head.

In other news, we started decorating for Christmas. The outside lights went up on Saturday (I don't know why the picture is tiny...sorry) and so did the tree. But we saved decorating for today. Logan did a great job. However now that he is in bed, I am going to spread out the ornaments a little better :-)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving...

I know it's not the same, but it's just not Thanksgiving without it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Snapshots...

Some Sunday Snapshots from Skaneateles. How about that for alliteration?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Snapshots...

The Palmyra Stake had Stake Conference today and since we were already in Palmyra, we decided to visit the Sacred Grove.

Basically, my kids are adorable. And I'm really loving being home to show them off :-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Hometown Halloween...

It was nice to be back in Bloomfield with my kids to trick-or-treat this year. I've learned a few things:

1. It doesn't matter how much time you spend making your kid's's just going to be covered up by a sweater.
2. The words "please" and "thank you" don't exist on Halloween. Nor do they matter. You get the candy anyways.

3. You should only plan on hitting up a few houses close together that you KNOW will have good candy instead of trying to get to as many as end up carrying your kid after 15 minutes, regardless.
4. Halloween is the best opportunity to see 55% of the people from your hometown in one fell swoop when you've been gone a while.
5. Stick close by to the firehouse. They have donuts, cider, candy, games, and the other 45% of the town that wasn't giving out candy at their own houses.

And then the costumes. Kaylee gets the Mommy award for cutest Pink Leopard EVER. (Even though she doesn't look happy in any of the pictures we got of her in it.)

Logan wins the Mommy award for best "Dash" Incredibles costume made by his mommy.

And Madison wins the "Seriously Best costume EVER" award. She was an iPod that actually played music. It cost her nothing, she (and her mom) made it practically the day of Halloween, and she came up with the concept all on her own:

In other, non-related news, I seem to be winning things from the blogosphere left and right. Remember how I won that copy of "The Dark Divine" in June? Well, I also won a spot on the author's "Street Team" to shamelessly promote the book. Which mainly means I get swag. Which I am VERY excited about. (More on this later.) And then tonight I found out that I won a $50 off $100 purchase coupon for Old Navy from Thrifty NW Mom!!!! (See post below!!!) HOW GREAT IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!