Friday, November 7, 2008

Factoid Friday...

Yes faithful blog-readers, it's a special installment of the regular Friday post: Factoid Friday. While Talking to Zac's mom today, she mentioned how her kids are always asking about Logan...what can he do, is he talking, how much they miss him, etc, etc. So I decided maybe today would be a good time to post the random things my busy boy is up to these days...

First, movement. He has been walking for a good three months now and has recently started running. So just about every single one of the pictures I took of him on Halloween show him in the far right-hand side of the shot, running out of the frame just as I snapped the picture. It's great. Also, today he went down three steps without holding on to anything. He is becoming a stair master :-) Logan also has mastered the skill of walking backwards and it has become one of his favorite things to do. It's hysterical.

Second, vocabulary. Logan still signs (the most frequently used ones are more, food/eat, drink, please, candy, and bath) but he is quickly picking up on real words, too. Among the perfected ones are: Daddy, mama, na-na (Savannah or banana, depending on which one is closer to him when he wants her/it), uh-oh, ba-ba, ball, baby, and ducky. And though he doesn't say yes or no, he shakes or nods his head all the time.

Which brings me to communication. Logan totally knows what he wants (or doesn't want). If I ask him, "Are you hungry?" he either responds with a nod and the sign for eat or he shakes his head no. He does the same for baths and taking naps/going to sleep at night. When I ask him if he's ready for bed (and he is) he nods yes and then waves. It's adorable. And never leads to temper tantrums, unless he is, in fact, not ready for bed. He is also specific in communicating what foods he wants or doesn't want. The usual response to "Logan, would you like some turkey?" is a fervent no. Then there is the question, "Would you like a hot dog?" to which he almost always responds with, "Oooohh!" and a nod yes or even clapping.

Is clapping a fine motor skill? Probably a gross motor skill. But either way, he claps. He's done it for a long time, but recently he has been clapping to things he likes (eg a giant Kung-Fu Panda statue in the Animation building Zac spends most of his time in). He also claps when people on tv clap, and he recently started clapping after we say prayers. He folds his arms now when we pray and after the "amen" part, we usually are so happy and excited that he was reverent the whole time that we praise him. So now he thinks clapping is part of praying. Oh well. The other adorable thing he does now is give kisses. It's typically an open-mouth one, but he still gives kisses none the less.

He also knows when he needs a diaper change. He will usually bring me a diaper, but if he's distracted and I have to point out that he stinks, he will go right to his changing table and wait for me. It's disgustingly precious. Also precious? He loves to take my cell phone (or the house phone, or the remote which he seems to think is a phone) and hold it up to his ear and jabber away. So cute.

Well, I think that's enough for now. So why, pray tell, is this not a "Family Foto Friday" post? Well reader, that is because Liz is taking some family pictures tomorrow for us. So you'll just have to stay tuned next week...

1 comment:

Dani said...

OK, Logan is defiantly smarter than James.