Ok, I've been tagged to do this about 25 times between facebook and blogger buddies, so I'm finally doing it. So here are the 25 random things about me:
1. I'm 17 weeks pregnant...which makes my favorite food my mom's Dilled Beans.
2. I honestly don't have a favorite color.
3. My first name is actually Sarah Kay.
4. My full first and middle names together can mean "Princess of Pure Bitterness."
5. I'm writing a book.
6. I haven't thrown up since March of 2001 (Almost 8 years ago)!
7. My favorite video game ever is Katamari Damacy.
8. I love Pandora Radio...especially my Kate Havnevik station.
9. I can't stand the sound of metal scraping on metal.
10. The only beverage I love more than Mountain Dew is Code Red Mountain Dew.
11. When I was younger, I always feared I would marry another only child and I would never have nieces and nephews. (Thanks for guaranteeing that won't happen, Matt and Erin!)
12. I haven't had bangs since the third grade.
13. My favorite city in the world so far is Las Vegas. (Though I still haven't been to Rome...) Oh and Toledo, Spain was cool. But no family there :-)
14. I'm pretty much obsessed with Ikea.
15. I'm not a fan of Christmas.
16. I used to be a Spanish Teaching Major.
17. The first time I read the Twilight books, I thought they were AMAZING. The second time through, I realized they were crap.
18. I lived in New York for 20 years and never visited New York City.
19. I bite my nails when I'm anxious.
20. I hate flossing.
21. I was severely anemic about 3 years ago and almost needed a blood transfusion.
22. I use a lot of Chapstick. I literally can't leave the house without it.
23. I really really REALLY want to go to San Antonio.
24. I love planning weddings.
25. I hate getting my hair wet. Which explains why I don't like swimming. And why I only take 8-minute showers.
Any other random things about myself that I forgot? Feel free to comment!