Sunday, November 25, 2007

Family, Fun, and Guns...

We made it back from Idaho! And we had a GREAT time. So here's the rundown of the weekend:

Thursday we woke up and started right in on Food prep...after all, we had like 30+ people to feed. I was in charge of rolls and used Grandma Myrtle's recipe. But I had to double it. And I lost track of how much yeast I put in, so after the rising time was up, the dough was over-flowing. It was AMAZING. But they turned out perfectly. So there's a picture of that. And there is also a picture of me eating, that's right, SQUASH. Just for you, Grandpa! And I didn't even have water yet to chase it down! Go me!!! Then, after dinner, in true Idaho fashion, we went outside and shot clay pigeons with some sweet shotguns. I even got to shoot a little!!! It was a ton of fun!

Friday was amazing. Well, Thursday night was! We went to Best Buy at 8:30 Thursday night. And camped out until it opened at 5 am. Logan got to stay all toasty warm in the van with a bunch of people watching movies. He didn't even seem phased by the whole experience. But we got some really spectacular deals and we only have one more person to buy for and our shopping is DONE!!!!! So then we came home and slept most of Friday afternoon. Zac's Aunt Jan was great...she watched Logan while I got to sleep for a few hours.

Then Saturday, we headed out at 7:30 am so we could be back for the "Holy War" football game between BYU and our super-evil rivals, The University of Utah. BOOOO, Hissss. So we made it home and watched the Cougars kick some serious Ute butt. After all, you can't spell suck without the U!!!! Hahaha...losers.

Well, all in all, Logan had a great first Thanksgiving. Love you all tons!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Turkey Day all!!!!! Well, since we're in Idaho, I don't have any pictures to upload yet, but I will as soon as I get a free second back in Provo. The food was amazing...and my rolls kicked some serious butt! And we're headded off to stand in line for several hours for Black Friday shortly, so I've got to run. I'll post soon!!! Hope you all had a great day!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Promises, Promises...

So here's that video I promised. It's Logan eating for the first time! And I know it was like a month ago, but still. Here it is.

Aside from's Turkey Week!!!! Which actually means a lot of things. 1. We only have classes 2 days this week! 2. We're stretching our stomaches in preparation for T-Day. 3. I'm searching for Great Grandma Myrtle's Roll Recipe. 4. We're planning our Black Friday Shopping by searching through ad after ad. And 5. We're getting ready to trek up to Idaho!!!!

So the class thing: Tomorrow is actually a "Friday Instruction Day," which basically means Zac doesn't have class at all and that I have my American Novel class. I was supposed to have Spanish, too, but some how, our class talked our teacher out of it and she's giving us the day off. WHOOOO!!! The stretching the stomach thing: I made a fabulous pot roast today. I mean FAB-U-LOUS! The Grandma Recipe thing: I know I have it in a cook book somewhere. And I've heard rumors it's on the Frasier Family Website, but I don't really know the web address. So any help there would be appreciated. I'm sure black Friday shopping will have a post all of it's own, so we'll leave that for now. And Idaho...I'm really excited for this trip! We had such a good time last year. It will be different with the baby and all, but I'm still looking forward to it!

And last but not least, Logan now owns some pretty cute church outfits. Dani and I were sick and tired of all the cute, frilly girl dresses so we made a little trip to Burlington Coat Factory and spoiled our boys. They are 6-9 month suits, but the shirts are almost too small already. He has adorable clip-on ties, too. He's sooo cute I can't stand it.

Well, I've rambled on enough for now. Love you and miss you all!!! Only 34 days 'til we come home!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Worried Mommy...

I didn't want to be that know, the one who freaks out at everything and takes her child to the doctor's office at the slightest hint something is wrong. So I put up with his screaming fits for a week. I took his temperature and he didn't have a fever for the whole week. But today when he refused to eat pretty much the entire day, I decided to call. I talked to a nurse, hoping she'd just tell me he was fine and not to worry, but she thought I should bring him in just to get his ears and throat looked at. So I did. And nothing is wrong. His ears looked great and his throat wasn't red enough to be concerned about. The doctor's best guess is that he's just in the early stages of teething. So I felt like a moron for taking him in, but I guess it's peace of mind and we know he's not sick.

So I just thought I'd post that, along with some adorable pictures from the last few days. Logan's new favorite toy is my old cell phone. Well, really, his favorite toy is my current phone, but so far he can't tell the difference so I give him the old one to slobber all over. And in the picture where it's up by his ear, it wasn't staged. He actually did that. SOOO CUTE! And the Mountain Dew one, well, what can I say? He is my son, after all!

And lastly, I've gotten a few emails about what to get Logan for Christmas. Honestly, he would be impressed with a box and some tissue paper. But apparently people actually want to get him stuff, so on the top left-hand side of this web page is a link to Logan's Wish List on We don't necessarily want/need the stuff from Amazon specifically, it was just a nice organized way to find all the stuff he (we) wanted. Most of them are books and movies Zac and I grew up loving and we would love to have for our own children. You wanted to know what to get, so there are some ideas. And clothes are always great!!!!

Well, I need to finish reading "All The King's Men," so that's it for now. Love you all!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Home and a Haircut....

So new stuff: I cut all my hair off!!!! It's so much fun. I actually style it again, which I'm sure makes my husband happy. And it makes me feel great, being all attractive. Or as attractive as I can get!!! there is a picture of me with the cutest baby in the whole world, pre-haircut, and one of my new short 'do!

More new stuff: (Integrated with kind of crappy stuff): We found out a few weeks ago that Zac's brother, Matt, and his wife, Erin, were expecting a baby in May. So the crappy stuff...they had a miscarriage. It was so sad, but it really made me realize how blessed I was to be able to carry and deliver my beautiful baby boy with no problems (other than his stubborn lateness...).

And even more new stuff: Zac and I were planning on staying in Utah for Christmas, seeing as how we couldn't afford the $450 round-trip tickets home...yep, $450 EACH. That's what they were selling for when Jaylene bought tickets for Liz and Savannah almost a month ago. Then Matt ended up calling her, saying that tickets went down to $300 and that he and Erin were going home, too. Upon further inspection, they realized that the tickets Matt got were for the SAME exact flight as Liz and Savannah's. So that left Zac and me all alone here for Christmas (with the possibility of my parents flying out). So Jaylene, thinking solely of her grandson, I'm sure, called me up and informed me of the drop in price. Still, $600 was not in our budget this Christmas. So Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to us...the Steeles decided to get our tickets for us! WE GET TO COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! We're super excited!

So I guess that's all for now...take care and we'll see you NEXT MONTH!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sad Baby...

Clearly, Logan has been fussy lately. No, I'm being generous. Logan had been VERY UPSET lately. He has been going through screaming fits and doesn't know what to do with himself. The first time it happened was Monday, I think. He woke up at 2:30 am and screamed for about 45 minutes. He wouldn't nurse or take his binky. He just freaked out. So Tuesday morning came way to early for all three of us. I felt really bad for Zac...he had to get up at 7 for his 8:00 class. And then most of that day was spent crying and screaming. He was great for Aunt Savannah, though, while we were in class. Then as soon as I picked him up and headed home, he started crying again.

He slept somewhat better Tuesday night...he didn't wake up screaming until 8:00 am. Then he was fine until I left for class and was very sad while he stayed with his daddy. Wednesday evening was rough until he went to sleep, exhausted from all the screaming. Thursday was fine...until I left him with a sitter and had a girl's night out with Dani and Holly. Dani's cousin Lauren (and extremely attractive friend Eric) watched Logan and Dani's son, James. Apparently, Logan was an angel for the first 20 minutes while he slept. Then he screamed for them most of the rest of the time. I felt awful, but oh well.

Friday seemed to go ok...I took a mental health day and spent time with Logan (and Dani and James, again!). He was great. And today went well...even when Zac and I went to the movies and he spent time with Aunt Liz. He's a bit cranky now, but it's getting close to bath/bed time anyways. So I better sign off and get him all taken care of. Hugs and kisses to all!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Laughing Logan...

Yay!!! The video works!!! So here it is. Sorry it's really dark, but we were getting ready for bed. Also our camera kind of stinks. But hopefully we'll get a new one from Santa for Christmas (hint hint).

So here it is!!! Enjoy, and laugh along!!!!