So Sara Oblad tagged me to talk about my daily routine...oye. It changes day to day, but here goes:
Logan wakes up around 8:30-9...which means so do I. I feed him and grab a bowl of cereal or yogurt and indulge in some Today Show. Rachael Ray comes on at 10, so I watch the opening segment of that (usually a fun lunch/snack recipe). Then, since the middle of her show tends to be a little "talk-show-ish" for me, I hop in the shower. Since Zac is usually still sleeping, Logan watches Baby Einstein for entertainment. God Bless Julie Clark, founder of the Baby Einstein Company.
So after my shower, Logan gets dressed and goes down for a nap between 11-12. And here's where my schedule changes:
Mondays, Zac and I leave for class at 12:30. We drop Logan off at Liz's and I have class from 1-2. I get Logan from Liz at 2 and walk home. Then we have some Logan/mommy time (reading, playing, singing) and I get dinner ready. We drive down and switch the car with Zac, since he's done at 4. Then I have class from 4-6:30 while Logan naps. Zac follows my dinner instructions, picks me up at 6:30, we eat, then go to Mat and Dani's for FHE. Zac goes to work at 8:30, so I come home, give Logan a bath, and put him to bed. The rest of my night is spent doing homework and cleaning the kitchen. Zac gets home around 12:30, we read scriptures, and I go to bed (I would go to bed earlier, but I can't fall asleep unless he's home).
Tuesdays start off the same. When Logan wakes up, we usually go to Dani's to play with James. And we hang out there until I have class at 4:30 and Logan goes down for a nap. Zac brings the car down at 6 (when I'm done and he has class). I go home, feed Logan, make dinner, take dinner back to campus for Zac, come home, give Logan a bath, feed him, put him to bed, then straighten up the house, and do homework. And kill time while I wait for Zac to get home from work.
Wednesdays start out like Mondays with me going to class until 2 and Logan and I come home and play. Wednesdays are great because when Logan naps at 4, so do I. Then we wake up, start dinner, take it down to campus for Zac, and come home for my Relief Society Presidency meeting. That goes from 7:30-"8:30" and we come home, Logan has a bath, then goes to bed. Homework, clean the house, wait up for Zac.
Thursdays are pretty much like Tuesdays.
Fridays are nice because neither of us have class. So the morning routine is still in place, but the afternoons are family time. Sometimes we go to the movies, the mall, run random errands, or grocery shopping. I usually end up at Dani's and eat dinner with her and Mat and hang out there all evening, since Zac works from 5-9. When Zac's done, we come home, put the baby to bed (he has his bath with James), and we curl up and watch a movie we get from RedBox earlier in the day.
Saturdays are lazy days. We all stay in PJs until noon, unless we have to be somewhere. I usually clean the bathroom and do all those other chores (dusting, mopping the kitchen) that get neglected during the week. We usually have a sitter for Logan and Zac and I get to go on a date on Saturdays. Then the normal bedtime routine for the baby and an earlier bedtime for us.
Sunday mornings are also lazy. We don't have church until 2, but then we're there until 5 or so. When we get home, I call my grandparents and make dinner. Then after Logan's bath/bed, Zac and I work on homework for the next week, read scriptures, and go to bed.
So after writing out my week, I've noticed a few things. 1: I'm really busy. 2: I practically live at Dani's. 3: Zac and I hardly ever sit down to dinner together. But that's what this semester brings. It's nice to know that it will change in just a few months!
So I'm tagging...Rachel, BriAnna, Kim, Kate, and Lisa to describe their daily routines. If they have time :-)