Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Picture Tag...

Hahaha..almost sensing my frustration with cameras and pictures right now, I was tagged. But here we go...
Post the fourth picture in your fourth sub-folder and explain it:

This was Logan's first time out in the snow last November. We didn't have a coat for him yet (we knew my mom was getting one for Christmas) so he was wearing two hoodies, snow pants, and sneakers. Fun times! I hope he still likes the snow this year :-)

And the four people I'll tag: Dani Williams, Kate Headlee, Rachel Winsor, and Sara Oblad.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Cute! That stinks that you can't find the card reader... I love those things. And no, not yay for minoring in Russian :( unless we are yay-ing bad life choices...